I am so excited to announce that I will be running the Card Cafe class at Shop & Play Cafe again this fall! The next date is November 21st. Registration is limited so don't delay. Find more information and register online at https://stampandcreatewithlisa.net/collections/all-products/products/card-cafe-november-21st-2019
I have a new class to announce! Fab Fun Friday Cards is now here! The next class will be December 6th at Shop & Play Cafe in Kingston. Register online at https://stampandcreatewithlisa.net/collections/all-products/products/fab-fun-friday-cards-at-shop-play-cafe-december-6th-2019
Join me on Wednesday’s at 3:00pm for a Facebook live at www.facebook.com/stampandcreatewithlisa
Are you registered for next month's scrapbooking class on November 28th from 1:30-4:30pm or 6-10pm? Register now by email to stampandcreatewithlisa@gmail.com! Find out more info at https://www.facebook.com/events/899151540275248/
Are you registered for next month's card class on November 28th from 1:30-4:30pm or 6-10pm? Register now by email to stampandcreatewithlisa@gmail.com! Find out more info at https://www.facebook.com/events/137666040240662
Paper Pumpkin is Stampin' Up!'s monthly subscription club! These kits are always amazing, and seem to only get better each month! Go to https://www.paperpumpkin.com/en-ca/sign-up/?demoid=2099167 to order today or to find out more information!
Need a getaway this winter that doesn't involve a plane? Come to our Winter Crafting Retreat at the Four Points Sheraton in Kingston February 7-9th! Find more details at https://stampandcreatewithlisa.net/collections/all-products/products/winter-2020-retreat